This month felt long, maybe because I squeezed two coasts and three cities into a small space, maybe because I saw so many people from so many different contexts of my life. When I tried to recall what I’d done, I couldn’t believe that all of this happened in November.

Best Of The Month
At the beginning of the month, I finally returned to Boston after a long pandemic time away, unsure if it had been unwise to plan to visit in early November. But it was perfect— everyday was sunny and cold and crisp, the trees were just exploding with riotous foliage, and I was surrounded by people I love so dearly. I misjudged how much time I needed there; I could have stayed days longer and just been more and more fulfilled. It’s hard to even pull out which highlights of Boston are the highest— maybe spending an afternoon sitting at Spy Pond with Susannah, taking in the colors reflecting off the water; maybe the day at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum with Kelly and Susannah, pretending we were queens of the villa; maybe reconnecting with friends who I have talked to but not seen in two years… when I left, I wrote a whole list of every moment big and small that filled my heart, and the list was long.

I actually started the month in NYC (somehow! How is that possible!) and spent the first day at the MoMA with a friend from college, then ran off with another friend to a bar for a happy hour drink, and then scurried off with ANOTHER friend for Ukrainian dinner. One of the many beautiful days in the first half of this trip.

When I switched to California later in the month, my friend Julius (he of the Ukrainian dinner) came to visit. Julius and my sister and I had one particularly wild day where we ended up getting an impromptu tour of a Masonic lodge (it was nuts) and then fled to a red-lit dive bar to giggle uncontrollably about the whole absurd situation.
My trivia-obsessed family finally made it to bar trivia at the craft brewery near my parents’ house, and we had a splendid time, though we only came in second place.
And as usual, I had a goofy good time with my sister Hillary, which is always the best.

Worst Of The Month
The fact that Boston was so wonderful made leaving it SO hard. I even looked into changing my flight the day before I was supposed to leave, but it was too expensive and didn’t make sense.
And then, this trip started feeling long in November… after all the thrills of the east coast, I was sort of ready to be back in Istanbul. These long bi-coastal trips really take it out of me.

What I’m Loving
Reads: My cousin lent me a couple of books when I was in DC, including The Expats by Chris Pavone. It was a little ridiculous, and the denouement was similar to the end of old movies where the bad guy explains the whole plot instead of getting away, but I couldn’t put it down and thoroughly enjoyed reading it, ridiculousness and all.
Music: My sister and I were obsessed with the song “Gloria” by Laura Branigan, a real bop that was perfect for sing-shouting in the car. I also loved the Roy Orbison version of “I Drove All Night.”
TV/Movies: I always watch more when I’m at my parents house than I do in Istanbul, and this month was no exception. I went to the movie theater to see Dune (great) and House of Gucci (not great, but still funny). The family made me watch Shmigadoon and I giggled my way through the whole thing. But the best two things I watched this month were probably Tick, Tick, Boom, and Get Back, the 8-hour long Beatles documentary. At first, Get Back seemed slow, tedious, and strange, but there is something hypnotizing and magical about it, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. What a gift, to see these talented musicians struggle and laugh through such wonderful creation.

Podcasts: The second season of Stuff The British Stole was even better than the first, delving into the objects that end up in palaces they are not meant to be.
I’ve been loving the Sammy and Dino episodes of You Must Remember This, which is so consistently good and I seem to recommend every time she has a new series out.
And another one I recommend all the time is Hit Parade, and this month is no exception. The episode was (partially) about Aimee Mann (who I adore), and gave me a deeper appreciation for Cyndi Lauper and The Bangles as well.

The Film Files
I won’t get any of my film from this month developed until December, so we’ll see what I managed to shoot so far.

I got the best pajamas this month, and I know that seems minor, but winter is coming and I am going to live in them.

Finally, I’ll be going back to Istanbul… I’ve missed it so much, and I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.
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